ORA-01658: Unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace %s

You are trying to create a new object, but the initial extent does not fit into the tablespace specified.

There is not enough space left inside the tablespace either due to the datafiles being full, autoextend which is not set at datafile level or due to a disk which's full.

You'll have to check the size of the datafiles attached to the tablespace and check whether they can autoextend or not..

Alternatively you can specify a smaller size for the initial extent.

select file_name, bytes, autoextensible, maxbytes
from dba_data_files
where tablespace_name='TABLESPACE_NAME'

Either add more datafiles to the tablespace, set the autoextensible flag or enlarge the datafile(s).

To add more space to a file issue following command:

alter database datafile 'F:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TS_TP.DBF' resize 100m;

To turn on the autoextend feature on a datafile use following command:

alter database datafile 'F:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TS_TP.DBF' autoextend on next 200m maxsize 2000m;

To add a new datafile to the tablespace use following command:

alter tablespace TS_DP add datafile 'F:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TS_TP.DBF' autoextend on next 200m maxsize 2000m;

oafm, forms and oacore not starting up after IP adress change of the R12 and Oracle Applications Server

Error Message
06/20/08-19:12:59 :: adoafmctl.sh version 120.6.12000000.2

06/20/08-19:12:59 :: adoafmctl.sh: starting OPMN if it is not running
opmnctl: opmn is already running.
06/20/08-19:12:59 :: adoafmctl.sh: Starting OPMN managed OAFM OC4J instance
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
opmn id=eit.enrichit.com:6210
0 of 1 processes started.
ias-instance id=VIS_eit.eit.enrichit.com
--> Process (index=1,uid=1675454223,pid=29758)
failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit

06/20/08-19:13:29 :: adoafmctl.sh: exiting with status 204
06/20/08-19:36:14 :: adopmnctl.sh version 120.4.12000000.3

06/20/08-19:36:14 :: adopmnctl.sh: Checking the status of Oracle Process Manager (OPMN)

Processes in Instance: VIS_eit.eit.enrichit.com
ias-component process-type pid status
OC4J oafm N/A Down
OC4J forms N/A Down
OC4J oacore N/A Down
HTTP_Server HTTP_Server 29416 Alive

The OC4J lock files contains the IP adress, after the ip adress change the lock files includes the wrong Ip adress which caused the OJ4J to fail

1 - open a new shell and set your apps environment


3 - adopmnctl.sh stop

4 - check if it is really down: ps -ef grep grep opm

5 - delete the following:

rm -fr $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/persistence/*
rm -fr $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/persistence/*
rm -fr $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/persistence/*

6 - adopmnctl.sh start

7 - check if the issue has been resolved: adapcctl.sh status

06/20/08-19:36:14 :: adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0
[oramgr@eit scripts]$ adopmnctl.sh status
You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.4.12000000.3
Checking status of OPMN managed processes...

Processes in Instance: VIS_eit.eit.enrichit.com
ias-component process-type pid status
OC4J oafm N/A Init
OC4J forms N/A Alive
OC4J oacore N/A Alive
HTTP_Server HTTP_Server 5012 Alive

adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /u02/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_eit/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ...

Managing Your 10g Application Server

Managing the application server primarily the startup and shutdown procedures.

The process described here also holds good for other Oracle products like Oracle Collaboration suite and Oracle SOA suite.

Any application server would necessarily consist of a infrastructure Tier, it may or may not have a middle tier associated.

Starting Application Server Services

10g AS Startup Process
As the middle tier is dependent on your infrastructure it is important that the infrastructure should be up and running before you proceed with the middle tier services.

Using runstartupconsole.sh
You can start up the infrastructure tier services using the runstartupconsole.sh script located at your $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ on the machine which contains your infrastructure.

# su - oraas
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$runstartupconsole.sh start

This command will startup

The AS Meta Data Repository Instance
The Listener
The Enterprise Manager Console
Infrastructure Process Such as OID,OC4J_security,SSO etc.

Using OPMN
OPMN stands for the Oracle Process Manager and Notification, is a tool with you can manage the OPMN managed Infrastructure and Middle Tier Porcess. The opmnctl executable is located at the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin.

opmnctl start
This command will start up your opmn process

opmnctl startall
This will start up the opmn process and all process managed by opmn
opmnctl startporc ias-component=component
This will start a specific opmn managed process like SSO
You can also start using the sub-porcess of a component using
opmnctl startproc process-type=process

You could also restart the processs using
opmnctl restartproc ias-component=component
opmnctl restartproc process-type=process

However before using OPMNCTL you must have started your Metadata Respositery Database Instance and the Listener manually.

Shutdown of Application Tier Services

10AS Shutdown Process
Your Middle tier Services must be shutdown before you shutdown your infrastructure services.
Using runstartupconsole.sh
You can shutdown the infrastructure tier services using the runstartupconsole.sh script located at your $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ on the machine which contains your infrastructure.

# su - oeaas
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$runstartupconsole.sh stop

This command will stop
All infrastructure tier services
The 10g EM console
The meta data repository instance
The listener

For middle Tier services you must run this command for the middle tier ORACLE_HOME.

Using OPMN
Using opmnctl you can shutdown your middle tier services and infrastructure services.

opmnctl shutdown
This shutdown the opmn process and along with it all the managed opmn processes

opmnctl stopall
This command stops all opmn managed process for a particular tier.
You can also stop a specify OPMN managed component using
opmnctl stopproc ias-component=component
opmnctl stopproc process-type=process

The EM console on the middle tier and the infrastructure tier needs to be brought down manually using emctl stop iasconsole. Also the Meta Data Repository Instance and Listener need to be brought down manually.

ORA-1631: max # extents 100 reached in table

ORA-1631: max # extents 100 reached in table ICX.ICX_TEXT

SQL> select OWNER, EXTENTS, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS from dba_segments where segment_name='ICX_TEXT';

------------------------------ ---------- ----------- -----------
ICX 100 1 100

SQL> select OWNER, EXTENTS, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS from dba_segments where segment_name='ICX_TEXT';

------------------------------ ---------- ----------- -----------
ICX 100 1 2147483645



where x is greater than max_extents and lesser than unlimited (2147483645);


Release 12
Oracle Applications Technology
Technology Stack

The technology stack for Release 12 takes advantage of the latest Oracle technologies for the database and application server tiers. Oracle E-Business Suite now leverages the latest database version, Oracle 10g. On the middle tier, Release 12 uses Oracle Application Server 10g and Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 for Web-based Framework applications. On the client, Oracle E-Business Suite uses Version 5.0 of the Sun Java Plug-in.
Technology Components
Oracle E-Business Suite uses the following major technology components in the Release 12 Rapid Install. Some of these components are installed in the ORACLE_HOME directories; other components are rehosted in the APPL_TOP.

Please refer to the R12 Technology Stack Summary spreadsheet for latest availability.

Look and Feel – “Swan” User Interface
The new “Swan” user interface (UI) greatly improves the look and feel of the Oracle E-Business
Suite, significantly enhancing usability and productivity. The “Swan” UI brings together some of the best UI concepts from Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, and JD Edwards applications.
The “Swan” user interface is a subclass of Browser Look and Feel (BLAF), and replaces
the former look and feel. Oracle E-Business Suite will use only the “Swan” look and feel
for Release 12.
This new look and feel applies to the whole Oracle E-Business Suite as follows.
OAF/JTT Applications
The changes made at the technology layer for OAF and JTT products can be summarized
as follows:

ü The overall color usage has been changed to a more contemporary and compelling
color scheme, which reduces eyestrain and provides a more pleasant look and feel.
ü A new login screen complements the updates to the overall look and feel.
ü The base font has been changed to Tahoma 9pt to make better use of available screen
ü All buttons and tabs now have a gradient background, to increase their visibility on
the screen as clickable elements.
ü The button text and overall shape have been modified to reduce amount of space
required for their display.
ü Buttons are now standard HTML buttons instead of images, which required a display
server to be set up.
ü Background colors of page elements have been modified for better visual separation
of screen elements.
ü The entire icon suite has been upgraded to a more sophisticated style that integrates
visually with the overall interface design.
ü Tables and other containers have been modified to read well as distinct components.
R12 Applications Technology Release Content Document, Rev. 1.0 6
ü The page footer background has been changed to make it more readily
distinguishable from other page elements.
ü The Navigator has been restyled to be consistent with the other UI changes.
ü Page tabs have been moved to the left side of the screen for better scanning and a
clearer relationship with associated subtabs.

Application Object Library
The Oracle Application Object Library (AOL) provides Oracle E-Business Suite with a robust
infrastructure for security, application administration, and configuration. Identity Management Integration
Oracle Identity Management integration has been enhanced to improve usability and administration.
Revised Login and Change Password Pages
The UI for the Applications Login and Change Password pages has been revised, and now allows customizations.
Synchronous LDAP User Provisioning
All user provisioning operations from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Internet Directory are now done synchronously.
User Name Enhancements
User name changes in Oracle E-Business Suite are automatically synchronized to Oracle
Internet Directory. Improved validation prevents the use of forbidden special characters.
New Deployment Scenarios
Oracle E-Business Suite now supports deployments with lopsided user populations, that
is, scenarios where all user identities are stored in the corporate LDAP server, and only a
subset of those are provisioned into Oracle E-Business Suite. Provisioning into Oracle EBusiness
Suite can be done via the new on demand user creation feature, the new
automatic user account linking feature, unidirectional provisioning from Oracle EBusiness
Suite to Oracle Internet Directory, or some other custom-defined process.

On Demand User Creation
A user may be present in Oracle Internet Directory without a corresponding linked user
account in Oracle E-Business Suite. Oracle Application Object Library now supports a
mode in which an Oracle E-Business Suite user account is automatically created for SSO
authenticated users when they first visit a page in Oracle E-Business Suite.

SSO Hint Cookie
The SSO Hint cookie provides a hint that a user may be authenticated via some other
partner application. Based on this hint, Oracle E-Business Suite attempts to initiate an
R12 Applications Technology Release Content Document, Rev. 1.0 8
authenticated Applications session instead of an anonymous guest session. Among other
uses, this feature is used to trigger on demand user creation, and to ensure that public
Oracle E-Business Suite pages correctly display personalized content.

Automatic Linking of User Accounts
Oracle E-Business Suite now supports a mode in which new user accounts created in
Oracle E-Business Suite are automatically linked to existing accounts with the same user
name in Oracle Internet Directory.

Password Validation against Oracle Internet Directory
The Oracle E-Business Suite login page can now authenticate a user, even if the
password is stored externally in Oracle Internet Directory. This feature allows users to
connect with a variety of clients which previously required passwords to be stored locally
in Oracle E-Business Suite.

Mixed Case Passwords
Oracle E-Business Suite now supports case-sensitive passwords. For backward
compatibility, a mix of case-sensitive and case-insensitive user passwords is supported.
Server-to-Server Authentication
Server-to-server authentication allows Oracle E-Business Suite products to integrate with
Oracle Collaboration Suite components such as Oracle Files.
The following security features are either new with Release 12 or introduced since the release of 11.5.10.
Change Schema Passwords with Ease
A single command line invocation of FNDCPASS changes the password for all Oracle EBusiness
Suite base product schemas, which number approximately 200.
Best Practices for Internet Exposure Certified
Oracle E-Business Suite now has documented and certified best practices for exposing
parts of the Suite to external parties via the Internet.
The certified configuration includes the following security-enhancing features:
ü External Web tier: Separate from the internal application tier, the external Web tier
only allows responsibilities configured as EXTERNAL to be assumed from the
external Web tier.
ü URL firewall: The URL firewall is a whitelist of URLs required for the certified
external product or products. Any URL not on the whitelist cannot be invoked.
ü mod_security: An apache module blocking obviously malicious requests.
ü Reverse proxy: Reverse proxy can optionally be used for additional separation and
deployment in the dirty DMZ.

Security and Manageability Enhanced via New File System Layout
In Release 12, the Oracle E-Business Suite files are separated into directories according
to best practice. Code trees are now free from configuration and log (output) files and can
be mounted read-only at runtime (that is, outside of patching periods).

The read-only nature of the file system makes it easier to share a code tree between
environments for development or load balancing purposes. It also facilitates compliance
checking, by showing auditors that the code can only change during maintenance
For a detailed description of this new feature, see “Read Only Shared File System
Updated Techstack Improves Security
The new technology stack introduced in Release12 enables faster production of patches
to address any security issues that may arise, and also reduces the time required to
address backport requests.
Additionally, the retirement of older and redundant technologies such as mod_plsql
reduces vulnerability of the system to attackers.

Oracle User Management
Oracle User Management, introduced in Release 11.5.10, is a secure and scalable system that enables organizations to define administrative functions and manage users on the basis of specifications such as job role or geographic location.

Enhancements to User Management in Release 12 reduce the overall cost of ownership and improve the end user administrative experience.
Oracle User Management depends on the following products:

• Oracle Internet Directory
• Oracle Application Object Library
• Oracle Internal Controls Manager
• Oracle Workflow

Proxy User

Oracle E-Business Suite now allows a user to specify a proxy who can act on their behalf.
For example, an executive can designate an assistant as a proxy, allowing that assistant to
create, edit or approve transactions on behalf of that executive.

Integration with Oracle Internal Controls Manager

Integration with Oracle Internal Controls Manager facilitates enforcement of constraints
used for preventative separation of duties, reducing the possibility of error or fraud by
ensuring that a single individual does not perform all the duties associated with a key
business process or financial transaction.

Registration Process Enhancements

The Oracle User Management registration process functionality is enhanced to support
the following features:
• Registration processes for administrative actions (role assignment) can be defined
separately from policies relating to self-service requests.
• Specific business events or business logic can be invoked for each registration
process, as required.
User Name Policies
User name format policies can be specified as required, based for example on:
• Email addresses
• User-defined user names
• Custom policies

Security Wizards
To assist administrators in granting permissions to roles, support is now provided for
invoking specialized function and data security wizards from the role administration
screens in Oracle User Management.
Centralized Account Provisioning
Support is now provided for routing Oracle E-Business Suite self-service account
requests through a single registration flow.
Functional Administration
Release 12 provides a rich new set of features for functional administrators through an HTML user interface.
Server-Responsibility Profile Hierarchy Type Profile option values can now be set for a combination of a server and a responsibility.

Profile Categories
Categories can be used to organize profile options, and to enforce data security by
restricting the profile categories that users can view or update.

Java Cache Support
Changes in setup data are immediately visible in all Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)
without those JVMs having to be restarted.

Automatic Menu Compilation
Menu compilation now takes place automatically. Consequently, the “Compile Function
Security” concurrent program and corresponding adadmin option are no longer required,
and have been removed.

Flexfield Segment Additional Where Clause
An additional WHERE clause can be attached to a flexfield segment to enforce extra
validation on that segment beyond the value set.

PL/SQL and Key Flexfield Validated Value Sets
Two new flexfield value set types are introduced: PL/SQL validated value sets are
validated via a PL/SQL procedure, and Key flexfield validated value sets can
declaratively reference a key flexfield combination.
Concurrent Processing
Following are new features for Concurrent Processing in Release 12.
Multi-Org Support

Multi-Org Access Control
In Release 12, Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) allows a user to access data for
different operating units (OUs) in a Multi-Org enabled instance without switching
responsibilities. In transaction entry or inquiry user interfaces, a user can either choose an
operating unit explicitly, or use another org-sensitive field to derive the operating unit

Concurrent Program Definition
The Define Concurrent Programs window is now MOAC-enabled. A new field,
“Operating Unit Mode”, allows users to specify the category for a concurrent program. A
new list of values allows users to select one of these modes: “Single OU Concurrent
Program”, “Multiple OU Concurrent Program”, or none (a null or blank value). The
default is null.

Standard Request Submission
The Standard Request Submission window now allows users to execute single-org and
multi-org concurrent programs. For single-org concurrent programs of MOAC-enabled
products, the OU field is displayed to the user. This field is populated with the value of
the “MO: Default Operating Unit” profile option, provided the value is valid.
At submission time, the operating unit for single-org concurrent programs of MOACenabled
products is captured and stored as part of the request context. At execution time,
multi-org initialization sets the CLIENT_INFO org context according to the request’s
captured context.

Restarting a Request Set
If a process in the middle of a request set fails, users can now fix the cause of the failure
and restart the request set from that point. They do not need to run the remaining
processes manually, or restart the entire request set.
Additionally, users can now put a running request set on hold, and later remove the hold.

Failover Sensitive Workshift
A system administrator can now specify how many processes of the service instance
should run when a service instance fails over to another node in a Parallel Concurrent
Processing (PCP) environment. This feature allows system administrators to control
resource allocation, for example by specifying that fewer processes should run on the
failover node than on the original node.

Oracle Applications Framework-Based Request Set Submission UI
An Oracle Applications Framework-based UI for request set submission is available in
this release.

Request Security Implemented with Roles (RBAC)
Permissions to submit requests and monitor requests are now based on grants to roles or
users. An administrator can grant groups of programs or request sets (grouped by request
group) to a grantee (a role or user). This functionality allows administrators to provide
more granular access control on programs and requests. Existing assignments of request
security groups to a responsibility still work as well.

Transaction Manager Implementation with AQ
The Transaction Manager communication mechanism is implemented using Oracle
Advanced Queuing (AQ). The AQ communication mechanism removes the requirement
to set up transaction manager instances for each Real Application Clusters (RAC)
instance. This feature allows system administrators to use Concurrent Processing node
R12 Applications Technology Release Content Document, Rev. 1.0 13
failover functionality for Transaction Managers. A new profile option, Concurrent TM:
Transport Type, has been introduced to specify that the communication mechanism
should use DBMS_PIPES in a non-RAC environment.

Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM)
The following new features are available with Release 12.

Automatic Restart of the Generation of Migration Commands and Execution
This new feature eliminates manual steps by automating the migration process for those
commands that previously required manual steps. This enhancement reduces the overall
migration time and improves manageability.

Configurable Default Extent Size
This new feature allows you to specify the default extent size as part of the migration
process. The initial default extent size is 128K; to minimize space management
operations for large tablespaces, this can if desired be increased to either 1MB or 10MB.

New “Tools” Tablespace
This new feature improves manageability and performance by consolidating tools-related
database schema objects into a single tablespace called “Tools”. The new tablespace
includes the database schema objects for products and components such as Oracle Portal
(Repository), Oracle Discoverer (EUL), Oracle Internet Directory (Repository), Oracle
Application Server Single Sign-On.

System Management

Oracle Applications Manager and Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle EBusiness Suite

Oracle Applications Manager and the Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle E-Business Suite
offer an integrated set of features for Oracle E-Business Suite system management. The
Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle E-Business Suite extends Oracle Enterprise Manager to
provide central monitoring and cloning automation for Oracle E-Business Suite. The
plug-in also links Grid Control with Oracle Applications Manager. Built directly into
Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Applications Manager provides a broad array of features
to facilitate system management and maintenance.

The Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle E-Business Suite requires Oracle Enterprise
Manager Grid Control 10g Release 2 (10.2).
Application system alerts are exposed as business events. Summary and context
information for each alert is available as the business event payload in XML form. This
information can be retrieved via standard business event integration mechanisms.


Oracle Applications Manager Dashboard Enhancements

The enhanced Performance dashboard provides administrators with key performance
metrics related to online, batch, and workflow activity. For customers using Oracle Real
Application Clusters, the dashboard shows these metrics for each RAC instance.
Additionally, system administrators can now subscribe to receive automated alerts when
concurrent requests run longer or wait longer than specified thresholds.


An updated suite of diagnostic reports is now available within the Security dashboard.
These reports check the Oracle E-Business Suite system configuration against Oracle’s
best practices and detect possible security violations. These reports provide diagnostic
information related to possible security issues such as:
• Dictionary attacks
• Duplicate logins
• Direct access to unauthorized functions
• WTI failures


Oracle Applications Manager now allows administrators to schedule and run Diagnostics
tests as batch programs. The Diagnostics dashboard provides new graphical views of
R12 Applications Technology Release Content Document, Rev. 1.0 24
diagnostic test executions and failures. Keyword searches can be performed on the test
repository to locate relevant tests, which can then be grouped and executed directly from
the same interface.

Oracle Applications Manager System Alert Infrastructure Enhancements

The system alerting infrastructure has been enhanced with a new “flood control”
mechanism to prevent multiple instances of a given alert from overwhelming the alert
system. This mechanism provides administrators with configuration options to customize
the limits on the number of system alerts and occurrences that are generated by any given
issues. Additionally, alerts are enhanced to allow summary and context information to be
retrieved in XML format via standard business event integration mechanisms.

Patch Impact Analysis Enhancements

Key patch impact analysis enhancements include the following:

• Analysis of patch changes to customized files that are registered with the system.
• The ability for users to create a list of patches for analysis as a single set.
• The ability to identify and to merge multiple language patches that are applicable
to that system.
• Impact analysis now highlights patches that include branched files to help
System Administrators identify files from a particular branch that are being
overwritten by the same file in another branch or in the mainline.

Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle E-Business Suite
Seamless Integration with OAM

The Grid Control plug-in now provides a tighter integration with Oracle Applications
Manager. Several Grid Control features link directly to OAM features such as concurrent
manager administration, workflow administration, Forms monitoring, configuration
management and patch management.

Automated Discovery of Oracle E-Business Suite System

Registration of Oracle E-Business Suite systems with Grid Control is greatly simplified
in this release. For Oracle E-Business Suite systems that use AutoConfig, Grid Control
now has the ability to automatically discover much of the information required to register
those systems.

Topology Views

The Grid Control plug-in now provides service and system topology views for Oracle EBusiness
Suite. These views enable administrators to perform root cause analysis of
system alerts.

Clone Automation

The Grid Control plug-in now allows Oracle E-Business Suite systems to be cloned via
the Grid Control provisioning framework. A step-by-step interview guides administrators
though the cloning process. Grid Control automates the creation of clone systems and
R12 Applications Technology Release Content Document, Rev. 1.0 25
executes any required application-specific actions. Additionally, administrators can
modify the standard cloning process to include custom actions.

Configuration Management

The plug-in provides administrators with the ability to collect, compare and search Oracle
E-Business Suite configuration data. The following configuration data are collected from
the application system and automatically uploaded to the Oracle Enterprise Manager

ü Application system summary
ü Patches applied
ü Application context files and key configuration files
ü Technology stack inventory
ü Concurrent processing configuration
ü Workflow configuration
ü User activity
ü Custom configuration

Administrators can compare snapshots of configuration information across multiple
Oracle E-Business Suite systems.

Application Service Level Management

The Grid Control plug-in automatically provides service level reporting for key Oracle EBusiness
Suite infrastructure services such as concurrent processing and Oracle Workflow.
Service level alerts can be configured for key throughput and availability metrics.

Other Applications

Applications Installation and Configuration Management


Following are the features that are new with Release 12.

Store Base Configuration in Oracle E-Business Suite Database

During the installation process, Rapid Install stores its configuration information in the
Oracle E-Business Suite database instead of the configuration file (config.txt) that was
used in previous releases. This feature eliminates the need to manually copy the
configuration information from the first node to all subsequent nodes during a multi-node

Multiple Domain Support for Database and Middle Tier in Rapid Install

Rapid Install supports deploying the database node and the middle tier node into different
domains. This enhancement provides the ability to have more than one domain for an
Oracle E-Business Suite installation.

Read-Only Shared File System Support

This feature allows the full Oracle E-Business Suite file system to be shared.
APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, and technology stack ORACLE_HOMEs can be
deployed on a read-only shared file system.

RAC Support in Rapid Clone

Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters and grid computing is added to Rapid
Clone. RAC support is extended to support ASM as well as features to expand an
existing RAC system by adding a node to an existing RAC cluster.

Release 12 will bring lots of changes to techstack. Following are the major changes

Oracle Application Server 10g components are included in the Release 12 Rapid Install
The Release 12 Rapid Install includes:
 OracleAS 10g 10.1.2 for Forms & Reports Services
 OracleAS 10g 10.1.3 for Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
The following Oracle Application Server 10g components may optionally be installed separately, using the respective Oracle Application Server 10g installation CD-ROMs:
 Single Sign-On 10g
 Oracle Internet Directory 10g
 Portal 10g
 Discoverer 10g
 Web Cache 10g
 Oracle Business Integration 10g
 Oracle BPEL Process Manager 10g
These optional services may be:
 Installed in a different ORACLE_HOME on an existing E-Business Suite Release 12 application-tier server
 Installed on a server that is physically separate from an existing E-Business Suite Release 12 Applications server

Release 12 will bring lots of changes to techstack. Following are the major changes:

1. Developer release 10g instead of 6i
2. Application server 1022 will change to Application server release 10g
3. No more mod_plsql
4. OC4J will replace jserv
5. New concept of instance home (INST_TOP)
6. Middle tier oracle homes will change from iAS to 10g based iAS 10.1.3 and Develope 6i 806 Oracle home to Developer 10g 10.1.2 home
7. New filesystem layout.

For the most comprehensive preview released so far on how the Release 12 technology stack will be architected and work, take a look at his presentation. He covers:

 Highlights of new R12 techstack components
 New Application Server 10g (10.1.2 & 10.1.3) ORACLE_HOMEs replacing the 9iAS O_HOMEs from 11i
 Switch from JServ to Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) for running servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
 OC4J Deployment details, including replacements for jserv.conf and jserv.properties configuration files
 New R12 filesystem layout, including the introduction of an Instance Home (INST_TOP)
 New use of Oracle Process Manager & Notification Server (OPMN)
 New Forms 10g deployment
 Comparison of 11i and R12 environment variables
 Discussion of relative benefits of Forms Servlet vs. Server (socket) mode deployments
 Disabled mod_plsql in R12 (more about this in a later article)

Difference between Oracle Applications 11i and 12

Database Version in 11i (11.5.9 & 11.5.10) was 9i Rel 2 where as in Release 12 its 10g R2 (
Application Tier:
Tech Stack in Application Tier consist of iAS( & Developer 6i (Forms & Reports 8.0.6) but in Applications R12 it is build on Fusion Middleware (10g Web Server and 10g Forms & Reports)
Sub component in Application Tier
A) HTTP Server or Web Server in R12 is Version 10.1.3 which is built on Apache version 1.3.34. In apps 11i it is Version built on Apache Version 1.3.19
B) Jserv in apps 11i is replaced by OC4J (mod_jserv is replaced by mod_oc4j)
C) Forms Version 6i in Apps 11i is replaced by Forms in R12
D) Reports Version 6i in Apps 11i is replaced by Reports in R12
E) JDBC version is changed from version 9 in apps 11i to version 10.2.0 in Apps R12
F) modplsql or mod_pls is removed from Apps R12 (What will happen to my mod plsql applications- coming soon* )
G) Java processes use JDK/JRE version 1.5.0 in R12 against JDK version 1.3.1 or 1.4.2 in Apps 11i
H) For various environment variable changes check below picture

Application Tier File System Architecture

Overview of R12 Application File System
A multi-node installation of Release 12 supports both shared and non-shared application tier file systems. An application tier file system consists of:
• APPL_TOP file system (APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP directories).
• Application tier technology stack file system (OracleAS 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 Oracle Homes).
• Instance Home (INST_TOP) file system. Each application tier has a unique Instance Home file system associated with it.

Major Application Tier Services:

- Root services
- Web Entry Point services
- Web Application services
- Batch Processing services
- Other services

Application Tier-Node

Note:Installed and Configured Services
3. OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME
4. OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME

Instance Home

Note: Top-level directory that contains instance-specific files associated with an Application Tier.
- OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME
- OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME
- log files
- pid files
- certificates files

Oracle Applications/E-Business Suite Release 12 introduces a new concept of a top-level directory for an Applications Instance which is known as Instance Home and is denoted the environment variable $INST_TOP.
Instance Home contains all the config files, log files, SSL certificates etc.

Advantages of new INSTANCE HOME
• The additional Instance Home makes the middle tier more easy to manage and organised since the data is kept separate from the config files. The Instance Home also has the ability to share the Applications and Technology stack code across multiple instances.
• Another advantage of the Instance Home is that the Autoconfig no longer writes anything to the APPL_TOP and ORACLE_HOME directories, everything is now written in the INST_TOP as a result APPL_TOP and ORACLE_HOME can also be made read only file system if required .
• Earlier say the adpatch used to write the log file in APPL_TOP/admin directory but with the new model the APPL_CONFIG_HOME/admin is used. To create a new instance that shares an existing middle-tier, just create a new instance_top with proper config files and NFS Mount the middle tier in the server.
• The basic structure of the Instance Home is:$APPS_BASE/inst/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME or also defined by environment variable $INST_TOP, where APPS_BASE (which does not have or need a corresponding environment variable) is the top level of the Applications installation and $CONTEXT_NAME is the highest level at which the Applications context exists (format $SID_$hostname).

Instance Home Directory Structure
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts ($ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME): All AD scripts are located here
$INST_TOP/appl ($APPL_CONFIG_HOME) : For standalone envs, this is set to $APPL_TOP
$INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure FND_SECURE: The dbc file is located here
$INST_TOP/appl/admin All the env config files are located here $INST_TOP/certs SSL Certificates go here $INST_TOP/logs LOG_HOME: Central log file location. All log files are placed here (except adconfig)
$INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2 ‘C’ Oracle home config, Contains tnsnames and forms listener servlet config files
$INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3 Apache & OC4J config home, Apache, OC4J and opmn. This is the ‘Java’ oracle home configuration for OPMN, Apache and OC4J $INST_TOP/pids Apache/Forms server PID files are located here $INST_TOP/portal Apache’s DocumentRoot folder

Oracle R12/12i log file (Patch, Clone, Startup/Shutdown)

Log files are useful in troubleshooting issues in Oracle Applications. Here is the list of Log file location in Oracle Applications for Startup/Shutdown, Cloning, Patching, DB & Apps Listener and various components in Apps R12/12i:

Startup/Shutdown Log files for Application Tier in R12
Instance Top is new TOP added in R12
Startup/Shutdown error message text files like adapcctl.txt, adcmctl.txt
Startup/Shutdown error message related to tech stack (10.1.2, 10.1.3 forms/reports/web)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/ (10.1.2 & 10.1.3)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.3/opmn/ (OC4J~…, oa*, opmn.log)$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/ora/10.1.2/network/ (listener log)
$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/conc/log (CM log files)

Log files related to cloning in R12
Preclone log files in source instance
 Database Tier - /$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/(StageDBTier_MMDDHHMM.log)
 Application Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ (StageAppsTier_MMDDHHMM.log)
Clone log files in target instance
Database Tier - $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTier_.log
Apps Tier - $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ApplyAppsTier_.log

If your clone on DB Tier fails while running txkConfigDBOcm.pl (Check metalink note - 415020.1)
During clone step on DB Tier it prompts for “Target System base directory for source homes” and during this you have to give like /base_install_dir like ../../r12 and not oracle home like ../../r12/db/tech_st_10.2.0

Patching related log files in R12
 Application Tier adpatch log - $APPL_TOP/admin/$SID/log/
 Developer (Developer/Forms & Reports 10.1.2) Patch - $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
 Web Server (Apache) patch - $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
 Database Tier opatch log - $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage

Autoconfig related log files in R12
Database Tier Autoconfig log :
 $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/MMDDHHMM/adconfig.log
 $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/MMDDHHMM/NetServiceHandler.log

Application Tier Autoconfig log :
 $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/$MMDDHHMM/adconfig.log
Autoconfig context file location in R12
 $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/appl/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME.xml

Other log files in R12
Database Tier
Relink Log files :

Alert Log Files:
 $ORACLE_HOME/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME/bdump/alert_$SID.log
Network Logs:
 $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/$SID.log
OUI Logs
OUI Inventory Logs :

 $ORACLE_HOME/admin/oui/$CONTEXT_NAME/oraInventory/logs
Application Tier
 $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/DevSuite/log
 $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs
 $ORACLE_HOME/network/logs

Tech Stack Patch 10.1.3 (Web/HTTP Server)
 $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/forms/logs
 $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/oafm/logs
 $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/oacore/logs
 $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs
 $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/network/log
 $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2
 $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3
 $INST_TOP/logs/appl/conc/log
 $INST_TOP/logs/appl/admin/log