Rolling Oracle Clusterware Upgrade to

1. Stop both DB nodes
2. Shut down all listeners
3. Log in as the root user Shutdown the CRS crsctl stop crs

Go to following location and check the current CRS version.
cd /CRS/app/10.2.0/bin
./crsctl query crs softwareversion
./crsctl query crs activeversion

Unzip patchset 6810189
Run ./runInstaller


choose the CRS_home and Click Next

selection the CRS_home will automatically select and upgrade the CRS software

Click Next

Click Next

Click Install binaries automatically installed in all nodes. So please run the in all the database nodes.

The following instructions are displayed on the Oracle Universal Installer screen:
To complete the installation of this patch set, perform the following tasks on each node:

Log in as the root user and enter the following command to shut down the Oracle Clusterware:
# CRS_home/bin/crsctl stop crs
Run the script to automatically start the Oracle Clusterware on the patched node:
# CRS_home/install/
Database Node 1

Please follow the same steps to rest of the all nodes.

The following instructions are displayed on the Oracle Universal Installer screen:
To complete the installation of this patch set, perform the following tasks on each node:

Log in as the root user and enter the following command to shut down the Oracle Clusterware:
# CRS_home/bin/crsctl stop crs
Run the script to automatically start the Oracle Clusterware on the patched node:
# CRS_home/install/

Database Node 2

After completing the above steps, please check the CRS version.
./crsctl query crs softwareversion
CRS software version on node [oradbtest1] is []
./crsctl query crs activeversion
CRS active version on the cluster is []