Missing FNDSM and FNDIM Services After Cloning or CLEAR NONEXISTENT FND_NODES


However, now the Concurrent Manager cannot be started. The following error is produced in the Internal Concurrent Manager log file :


Could not start Service Manager FNDSM_hostname.
The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on hostname could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.

Process monitor session started : 28-MAY-2008 10:15:28

Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_TEST_UAT_dev. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process onTEST_UAT could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.

Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_TEST_dev. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on TEST could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.

Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSTEST1_dev. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSTEST1 could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.

Could not initialize the Service Manager FNDSM_CHEN_dev. Verify that APOLLO has been registered for concurrent processing.
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager INVTMRPM with library /11i/applmgr/devappl/inv/11.5.0/bin/INCTM.

Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administra : 28-MAY-2008 17:34:44
Could not find service instance context for service instance number 1027
Could not find service instance context for service instance number 1035
Could not find service instance context for service instance number 1039
Could not find service instance context for service instance number 1036

Starting FNDCRM Concurrent Manager : 28-MAY-2008 17:34:44

Could not initialize the Service Manager FNDSM_CHEN_dev. Verify that APOLLO has been registered for concurrent processing.
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager FNDCRM with library /11i/applmgr/devappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDCRM.

Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administrat : 28-MAY-2008 17:34:44

Starting INVMGR Concurrent Manager : 28-MAY-2008 17:34:44
Could not initialize the Service Manager FNDSM_CHEN_dev. Verify that CHEN has been registered for concurrent processing.
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager INVMGR with library /11i/applmgr/devappl/inv/11.5.0/bin/INVLIBR.


Run the following select on the target node only to check trigger status :

SELECT trigger_name , status
FROM user_triggers
WHERE table_name = 'FND_NODES' ;

If status of the triggers show as DISABLED, then enable these following triggers as follows :

connect apps/

alter trigger UPNAME enable;
alter trigger FNDSM enable;

Take backup of FND_NODES table in Target :

create table FND_NODE_bk as select * from FND_NODES ;

1. Login into Oracle Application with System Administrator Responsibility.
2. Delete the rows from FND_NODES table in target using install -> node -> Define form.
3. Then re-Register TRAGET hostname.
4. This should register FNDIM_ and FNDSM_ concurrent managers in FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUE Table.


Check the following Scripts it will give node name. If not give any out put please run that below sql scripts.

SQL> select concurrent_queue_name, node_name from fnd_concurrent_queues where

From the Application tier:

SQL> sqlplus apps/apps

1. Log in as applmgr
2. cd to $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql
3. Run the script: afdcm037.sql
4. This script make libraries for FNDSM and create Managers for Preexisting Nodes.

Now you check

ps -ef grep FNDSM
ps -ef grep FNDCRM

Note ID: Note:305986.1


Muhammad Ahsan Tufail said...

It really helped.
Much Appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Step-by-step solution is very simple and it works good.

Intakhab Khan