Database Error - ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

-connect <**********>
Database Error - ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

I recommend you to clean up the failed upgraded user because unnecessary object
s might remains.

Drop eul schema and import from your exported backup.

1) drop user eul_us cascade
2) Create eul_us again
3) Asign the access to eul_us (connect access, create table, etc)
4) Import the file you generated using imp command

imp EUL_US/EUL_US file=pre_10g_upgrade_eul_backup.dmp

Also, please consider the following:
Can you please make sure that EULowner in your new database has the following
privileges (before the import of the data from old database):

create procedure
create session
create table
create view
create sequence

grant create procedure, create session, create table, create view, create sequence to EUL_US;

Then run the -AUTPUPGRADE

bash-2.05b$ eulapi -CONNECT EUL_US/EUL_US@upg -AUTO_UPGRADE
-connect <**********>
Command completed.

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