output is in pdf format the following error is encountered.

REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit
Xlib: No protocol specified

While Running the report ex :Doyen Ennore Activity Report (Daily) and the output is in pdf format the following error is encountered.

Error in the log file:

Xlib: connection to "dbserv2:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Xlib: connection to "dbserv2:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit.
REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit


Enter in to the Node where the Report is Running and can also done in all the nodes

Please check VNC server start or not. If down, start vnc and let try.

STEP 1 : Login as user root.
STEP 2 : export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
STEP 3 : xhost +
STEP 4 : To Check the Display put the following : echo $DISPLAY
STEP 5 : We can also check by entering in as any other user

Note :Before settting the DISPLAY check the XML file in APPL_TOP/ADMIN and inside the xml file see the parameter DISPLAY = "hostname:0.0" or some thing . this shold be same as when we give echo $DISPLAY

Then try
1. xhost +
2. xclock


Txk Rollup Patch S (Patch 6372396) Removes Izu_top From Context File


If you forget to apply this 7126196 before applying this patch 6372396 or TXK-S.
The IZU_TOP will not be there.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

- Try to apply patch 7126196 before applying patch TXK-S, if TXK-S is already applied then

1. add entry to $APPL_TOP/admin/topfile.txt

2. Apply patch 7126196


Customers who are planning to apply patch TXK AUTOCONFIG AND TEMPLATES ROLLUP
PATCH S (6372396) and have manually added product tops should apply this patch
(7126196) before applying patch 6372396 to preserve their manually added
product tops.


Database Error - ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

-connect <**********>
Database Error - ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

I recommend you to clean up the failed upgraded user because unnecessary object
s might remains.

Drop eul schema and import from your exported backup.

1) drop user eul_us cascade
2) Create eul_us again
3) Asign the access to eul_us (connect access, create table, etc)
4) Import the file you generated using imp command

imp EUL_US/EUL_US file=pre_10g_upgrade_eul_backup.dmp

Also, please consider the following:
Can you please make sure that EULowner in your new database has the following
privileges (before the import of the data from old database):

create procedure
create session
create table
create view
create sequence

grant create procedure, create session, create table, create view, create sequence to EUL_US;

Then run the -AUTPUPGRADE

bash-2.05b$ eulapi -CONNECT EUL_US/EUL_US@upg -AUTO_UPGRADE
-connect <**********>
Command completed.