Cluster Commands on Sun Solaris

vxprint -ht
su -8 nodes
vxvm -32 nodes
fail over application acive-passivve
load balancing active-activequorom votes =n/2+1=no of nodes
ammesia(starting last in first)
#boot -x non cluster node
hearpeat means keep alive packets
clster version 3.1,3.2,3.0 nafo (network adapter fail over)
ipmp means ip multipathing
did means disk id it is called global devices
command =/usr/cluster/bin
#scdidadm -L (dis device available)
#scdisadm -l (local device)
scdidadm -r (new device add in cluseteR)
#mount -g will mount in an nodes /global min 512mb on each node
#scsetup (menu drivers)
#scconf -p (to see the configuration)
#scstat -q (status of the cluser)
#scconf -p (view ot configuration)
#scstat -W -h primary nodename
path install cluster=suncluster_3.0/tools/scinstall
#scconf -p
scdidadm -L
#scconf - transp-jct
#scconf -transp-jct-etherhup
checking node id /etc/cluster/nodeid varlog=/var/cluster/logs/install/
#scstat -n
reboot --r
#scshutdown -y -g0
#scconf -a -q globaldev=d3
#scconf -a -q reset
#metaset -s disksetname -a -m hostname
#metstat -s diskname
#scstat -q (only quorum)
#scswitch -F -D simvol (online diskgroup)
#scswitch -Z -D simvol -h e3500
#scswitch -S -H E4500
#scswitch -m -D offline DG
#scswitch -r -D restart DG
#scrgadm -a -g share -h e4500,e3400
#scswitch -F -g (resourse GN)
#scswitch -Z -g -h hostname
#scswitch -n -j
#scswitch -e -j
scrgadm -r -j
#scswitch -v -g
#scswitch -o -g
scrgadm -r -g
boot -m milestone=none

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